Zipper Bowl DIY – Washington

Built in April of 2021, money for materials by United States government stimulus checks and donations. Builders paid in room and beers, food and mushrooms.

Norfolk, Virginia DIY

A few bags of crete mix can make a huge difference and build community in your local area. Get out there and make a difference!

Bliss Bowl extension – Portland, Oregon

The new wall came out pretty gnarly, but it really added a challenging feature to the bowl. With DIY spots we get to experiment and take risks, and this time it paid off!

Greife Jam – Greifswalder DIY – Berlin, Germany

Of course, the word jam quickly brings to mind a kind of contest in which you can win jam. And so, on a beer-soaked evening, the concept of this year’s contest at the Greifswalder DIY was quickly put together. Ihr Nacken!

BBC DIY – south France

We will enlarge the spot in different stages: cradle, snake run, big suspended curves, and then merge everything together with bigger, longer curves but that will need a significant amount of concrete so therefore a lot of money.