In the beginning of time, all that was necesary were the essentials: fire was discovered, the stars, the sun, the moon, and of course… the wheel! We all know that we are living in a complicated era… but here we are!

KANOA Interrail 2019

KANOA is a skatecrew from Barcelona, a group of friends who skate everyday. For the love of skateboarding, friendship & KANOA.

Life goes on and we live far from eachother now, so even if not all the crew was at the Interrail it was kind of a reunion.

Joaco, Jaume & Alex

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Burnside Halloween Party 2019

Burnside’s 29th year aniversary rolls around at the same time as halloween. Every year ghouls and ghosts, freaks and geeks congregate for an evening of skateboarding, music and raging.

Unconcrete Architects

Etienne Bouet aka EDA interview by Jonathan Hay about Etienne and Mathieu Claudon’s Unconcrete Architects … Keep reading