Futaba tunnel – Fukushima, Japan

Futaba tunnel is one of the closest skate spots from the Fukushima nuclear plants. It was a hard and fun spot.

Satanic Hex against Scooters

It’s about a Satanic Goat with a gas mask, which is a skate truck. Also this mask is to protect the toxic smoke of skull of scooters. These are burning and at the same time it forms a satanic star inside the skull which is a skate bowl. Artwork by: Bec Negre

Axel “Pudi” Görger & Jocko Weyland – “Holz & Beton“

Starting in San Diego, hardened by the nexus of skateboarding’s emergence in the late 1950s, to Freiburg, where the virus had spread by the late 1970s, the two artists in this exhibition managed to forge, across time and space, a twenty-five year connection related to their passion for riding a simple plank attached by metal axles to four urethane wheels.