Alex – Individual Equality

In death, everyone is equal, and yet every death is individual. “Individual Equality” was the title Dleks (Alex Hasert) had planned for his exhibition before he met death on October 11, 2024. Artist, poet, skateboarder, friend, lover. Struggling with the world and full of love for his loved ones. Laughing into the abyss. These words can also be used to describe his works, often gloomy at first glance, but usually conceal another hidden side.

Rännan. Umeå – Sweden’s pipe dream

A unique skateable monolith to tick off the spot list. A perfect 6’ tall metal half pipe stretching into the distance further than the eye can see, through a secluded section of Swedish forest. The term ‘insane terrain’ most certainly applies here!

Wicked Lady – Olivia Jaffe Interview

With an unbelievably old, ripped up, Motörhead shirt on, the sickest pair of leather boots you’ve ever seen, a cig in one hand and an archaic piece of technology in the other, comes Olivia Jaffe. Like a spider carefully waiting for the moment to strike, often not disrupting the scene, just hanging in there tight till the time comes, she shoots to kill… dig into her photos and dive head-first into a rock and roll universe you only ever dreamed of before.

Haani Jetha – artist check out

I turned to discarded skateboards to convey these stories. Objects of mobility that have taken me to many of the places

Glass skateboarding – Riga, Latvia

An experienced skateboarder, consciously or unconsciously knows and feels the material, its texture, and density, of his/her choice. Glass is rarely used byskateboarders, and the idea of purposely creating objects of glass for skateboarding is something new for everyone. It’s an adventure, entering the unknown, which is the best part ofboth forms of expression – glass art and skateboarding.

LIFERS – a photo series by Jessica Bryony

Dedicated, passionate and true to the lifestyle, these Lifers have been skateboarding for the majority of their lives. Youth may come and go, but skateboarding has stayed with them.