Photo Contest #4

So we’re working hard on the first print issue of CONFUSION MAGAZINE here at the Confusion Headquarters, but don’t want to leave you hanging waiting for some new content on the website, so we’re having a contest. WIN A FREE ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO CONFUSION MAGAZINE.


Contest #3 No one was even close. NAME THE SKATER, NAME THE SKATE SPOT Photos: … Keep reading

WASTED BOX: Shop opening party / skate / art show

Last Sunday Wasted Box skate shop opened their doors with an all day art/photo show from Brusk Collective, Sergej Vutuc, and Herr Schulze, with a freshly constructed skateable installation by Koet Construction that was the focus of the day, into the nights entertainment. Free beers and pot stickers were on hand throughout the evening as psychotic skateboarding went on in the corner of the dark and dingy cellar below….


WE HAVE A WINNER FOR WEEK#2: Marlon, from Royal Oaks, California. He was the closest, … Keep reading


So we’re working hard on the first issue of CONFUSION MAGAZINE here at the Confusion Headquarters, but don’t want to leave you hanging waiting for some new content on the website, so we’re having a contest. WIN A FREE ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION TO CONFUSION MAGAZINE.

Spring arrives in Köln, Germany

The first really nice “Springtime” weather hit Cologne and the locals at the Lohseramp came out in full force, like a reunion after a long, wet, drunken winter.

Belgian Full Pipes

Last year or so ago, when Team Pain were in Belgium building the Antwerp skatepark they took a break from their hard work to investigate the rumor of some full pipes down at the harbor. The rumors were true….

Eisbach River Surfing – Munich, Germany

The Eisbach is a river in Munich that breaks in 2-3 feet of cold water. Surf’s up all year round if you have a wetsuit!
Officially, surfing is not allowed in the river, but who cares. The standing wave can be surfed for as long as you don’t fall, which can allow for a lot longer waves than even “real” waves, but don’t think you don’t have to deal with crowds! As soon as one guy is down, the next is on the wave. Locals only bro! No Kayakers!!

Pudi’s Ramp

We crossed the Swiss-German border at sundown. “Was hast du zu verzollen?” “Ummm. Sprechen sie … Keep reading