Pumf Plaza DIY – Ramsbottom, England
When Covid kicked in and we got furloughed and told to stay indoors, we were straight down the building. It was hidden away, no one could bother us and the weather was red hot.
The Chamrousse DIY project (video)
This summer, an army of skate masons from all over Europe gathered in Chamrousse in the French Alps to voluntarily complete the third phase of construction of its DIY skatepark
PNS Bowl – La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
In 2011, when it was obvious that our beloved Bowl de L’ancienne had to be removed, we looked for a new place to move it to. We found a home just beside the indoor skatepark PNS in La Chaux-de-Fonds located in an old slaughterhouse.
Ray Gurz // The Adventure is Endless + Jacob and Ridley Head to the Park book release
Ray Gurz of Lost Soul Skateboards has written and released his first children’s book and last autumn, photographer Adam Novicki went out and shot an article with Ray for Confusion magazine issue 27.
Viewfinder Journal X (brokeboientertainment): BONUSVID
I released my last full length video in 2018. That year was a bit of a transitional point in my life. I had some old friends moving out of town and some new friends moving in. I decided to end Gnarhammered as a board company and to continue filming independently.
Trukentroef V – Vorselaar, Belgium
Since the last edition a few new obstacles were built by Ratman’s crew and the locals: a new corner with a love seat including custom made pool coping and a nice bank with a little slappy on top.
Confusion Magazine – issue #29 – out now!
Jonas “Ginger” Bunger. Frontside air nose tap at Hullet in Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo: Felix Adler
Red Wheel Society: A Global Awareness Campaign to Help Empower Homeless Youth in Bangladesh
The characteristic of the Red Wheel Society is just one red wheel. The red sphere on the flag of Bangladesh represents the rising sun, a symbol of hope. We have claimed that symbol and transferred it to skateboarding: While this is just a motif of solidarity, the whole concept will ultimately help children find hope