Sin Ollie 5 – Javier Saavedra
This year making the annual “Sin ollie” video part a reality was more difficult than ever but the stoke never stops!
This year making the annual “Sin ollie” video part a reality was more difficult than ever but the stoke never stops!
Confusion magazine – issue 27 with features on Zane Timpson, Shem Bragg and 80s punk rock concert photographer Kevin Salk. DIY spot checks in Switzerland, France, Washington, Japan, Estonia, Canada and Maryland.
I had the idea of shooting a wallride from an angle where you are able to see the canyon, the houses above the street, and of course the bridge and somewhere down there, somebody on a skateboard, doing something in this wild place.
FDR’s 8th annual contest went off last weekend. This one was a special treat being on Halloween and having Andy Roy as guest announcer.
Back in spring of 2018 some Dortmund City Locals build a small quarter in front … Keep reading
“The Put is a bowl in Opglabbeek, Belgium. It was built by Concrete Dreams in … Keep reading
In times of social media it seems to be pretty quiet around the 2er DIY in Hanover, Germany
A special corona version of the annual Gochu Skate contest in the town of Noreña – Asturias, Spain.
Article by Tom Critchley, skateboarder, researcher and writer from Kent, England. Following the Woolwich Road … Keep reading
On September 18, 2020 – World Wide PARK(ing) Day – activists block city streets in an effort to take back the space all those cars occupy all the time. Few things are more annoying and useless than cars in a city. We, as skateboarders, are pretty much used to “repurposing city space”, so we decided to build a little ramp with the help of our local “BTC” D.I.Y. Crew. We added some beers to the equation and it all went down as a memorable afternoon.