Interview by Jonathan Hay
Where are you from and your real name?
My name is Robbie Arias. I was born and raised in San Diego, CA, now living in Colorado with my 11 year old son.
How do you choose your subjects?
My drawings are mostly inspired by skateboarding, usually I draw from looking “closely” at photos from skate mags or instagram. I try to draw the subject as close as I can to real then add a few twists (like a baghead or skeleton). I like drawing concrete and transition, pool coping is a good time… love the details.
How did you get into drawing skaters?
I choose photos of a style burned into my soul from admiring skaters like Hosoi and Cab. I started this love for skating in the mid 80s. It was all about judo airs, tweaked methods and the way crossbones look, it’s why I love skating and drawing skating.
Do you have a favorite drawing?
One of my favorite drawings is just a simple guy wearing a bag on his head. A scary face with tree branch arms. I called him “EXTEENAGER”. That led to drawing him blasting off launch ramps, doing tricks like Axe-Murderers (or wig-splitters) and methods, etc. I always wanted to make a book featuring this character.

Have you ever received any negative feedback for you art from the skater or photographer portrayed?
Feedback on my art has been positive. I think skaters get hyped when they see someone spent their time to draw their sick ass skating (a few skaters had nothing to say or even like ‘em). I don’t draw these pics for anyone’s approval. I just love the skaters I draw and their skating is amazing. (I rarely wonder if they trip on having a baghead???) Not sure if anybody has asked what it means… Larb knows. It’s fucking cool looking. The photographers get hyped too! Shit, they get the rad shots. These guys have been rad: Chuck Katz, Adam Concannon, Phil McKenzie, Taylor DeHart, Dan Sparagna, Mark Nichols, Monkey Glove, Chuck Hultz, Ryan Maddox…” I’m sure to piss someone off soon – or already have?
I just love skating and drawing especially when I’m moved by a photo – something makes me draw it.
What materials do you use in your art? Mostly pens and colored pencils, what else?
My mediums are white / black colored pencil, acrylic paint, black pens and watercolor on toned paper. I start a drawing with white pencil so white paper is no good.

What else are you into except skateboarding and drawing radical skateboarders?
My other interests besides being a dad and working as a tile setter and record collecting (tape too!), punk record 7”s, LPs – 90% Punk Rock. Been collecting since the late 80’s, anyone who knows me knows that. Skate collector too!
Do you accept commissions?
I accept commissions and have done a few graphics. Someone will DM me on my instagram and will send me a photo and we’ll work out a trade or price.
I recently drew one for Ryan Maddox and he sent me a bunch of records – that was cool.

Have you sold any of your artwork to any skate brands or is this just a hobby for you?
I’m going to be drawing one of Chris Livingston for Vagrant Skateboards real soon. I had to “pump the brakes” on John Worthington for Cockfight Skateboards but still might happen. Maybe Skeleton Key? Their art is killer! I recently sold a drawing of “Mondo”. It sold at a gallery called El Quervo. They do some killer skate art shows!

Do you have any plans for your art, books, art shows, or other outlets to sell your art?
I plan on doing local shows. One at a new skateshop here called “Mutual Friends”. Josh, the owner (actually skates too!) wants to do a small exhibit and a shop graphic on decks, he’s sick! I want to send art to zines, compile drawings for a book, do more skate graphics and hopefully get some drawings silkscreened for print runs that will soon be available for purchase (or trade) off a link on my instagram.

Favorite contemporary artists?
I’m inspired by a ton of artists. Of course, the greats like (Jim) Phillips, (Mark) McKee, (Todd) Francis, but lately guys like Nathan Kostechko, Madfire, Bec Negre, Joey Velam, Arkaid, Prefuk, and Bobby Brown, they skate too! Also Riddickart, Andrew Sloan, Matt Bailey, Defame, Johnny Attain, Bergeron (don’t know if they skate?) also Chris Alliston, he’s amazing.

Thank you @exteenager