November might be low season up in a mountain village as LAAX, but for local skate crew “Schetg Gru” it’s a month to look forward to. The Riders Club turns into more than just a party venue and skaters from all over Switzerland come up to LAAX to celebrate the annual mini-ramp contest in the nightclub.
A cultural gathering rather than just a skate contest is how we would describe the “Schetg Gru Mini Madness” event. Besides a drop-out format miniramp contest with some solid prize money, skaters & spectators can expect a clash of culture with tattoo sessions, live music, Doodah’s art show and of course a banging afterparty! This years marked the three year anniversary of the event and it just seems to get better each edition! Get a taste of what went down this past November by hitting the play button!
Massive shout-out to Riders Hotel, Vans Europe, El Toni Mate & Arcs Agency / Yeti Europe for the support!
Filmed and edited by Yves Marchon / Beauregard Films.
Photos by Shannon Sweeney (@shansweeneyy)and Luca Kuppelwieser (@lucakuppelwieser)