Enzo floating on the wall of the Bowlrider Club house. Loipersbach, Austria.
Sammy Idri. Backside layback smith grind over the doorway at Zgosa DIY, Slovenia. It’s funny how many basketball hoops we found on the road but no more ball games for me.
Wonder Tim around Budapest.
Daily stretching for Samuel in Budapest.
Daily battle for Matheo at Pumpa Diy, Slovenia.
Zozo nasal pick into a Slovenian forest
Theo and the Pumpa cradle.
Pumpa again, one of the best place we’ve been. Enzo carve in the shadow end
Samsam. Postcard from Budapest, Hungary.
Funky Zozo and the Botch bowl car.
Florent the captain of the road and also the man who made this trip possible, thank you so much. Kickflip fakie at Cradle Skatepark – our final destination.
Full speed Enzo like always. Alprem Diy, Slovenia.
The Barbecue family knows how to do it well. Mirco à table!
Golden hour for Theo at Aloha Diy.
3500 km, 14 spots, 12 days, 420 grinds
Daily chores at Bowlrider club, Austria.
From left to right: Sammy, Florent, Tim, Khaoula, Mirco, Enzo, Theo, Samuelmment