The Bridge DIY – Grenoble, France

Words and Photos by @Danse__infernale

Halloween is always a good moment to gather people in order ta have fun and drink beers while listening to punk rock music.

Only 15 days before the day of the dead, the idea came to us to organise an event mixing skateboarding and fairground at our local diy :

The Bridge 38000 in Grenoble.

No cash, no sponsors, no competition !

We wanted everyone to feel welcome and to share a good skate session without any pressure.

We hope everyone enjoyed completing our challenges inspired by King of the road, shooting beercans with an airsoft gun and partying around a big fire!

See you next year maybe!

Joris Ducros. Frontside smith tailgrab

Lola Schwartz. Rock one-foot nosegrab fakie

Rasta. Frontside air

Joris Durcos. Frontside rock’n’roll

Lola Schwartz. Frontside smith grind

Lilian Levardon. Frontside air

Benoît Daval. Rock to fakie

Eole Vidal Chapelle. Backside 50

Teva Abiven. Backside disaster

Eole Vidal Chapelle. Switch blunt yank in

Benoît Daval. Fakie disaster

Eole Vidal Chapelle. Frontside ollie

Eole Vidal Chapelle. Frontside axel to yank in

Rasta. Frontside standup layback mute

New chamber

Lilian Levardon. Backside air to tailsmash

Rasta. Stalefish


Pre-drop, who snakes?

Joris Durcos. Frontside wallride yank out