Bellyful in Bali

Bellyful Skates went to Bali, drank every Bintang in sight, skated in 100% humidity, got soaked in tropical rain, and played terrible games of pool – ripsnorter of a trip! Special thanks to all the locals for making us feel welcome! 

Bellyful in Bali
Red launches a backside air in-between Bingtangs at the Televistar ramp
Rhys with a layback front rock at Kuta beach into the abyss – this was the first and only day he wore a shirt for the trip
Snowy snagged Bali belly early on into the trip – board slide up and down the curb in-between toilet breaks
Big Sam took a break from being a pest to pull this tailblock at Lumintang.
Swelbow dislocated his shoulder so he never grabbed his board again.. Frontside ollie across the channel at Kuta Beach