Cover: Anthony Ferrari. Backside melon at Honeoye Falls DIY in New York
Photo: Kyle Hofsass @kshofsass
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Issue #35
DIY Spots:
Honeoye Falls DIY (New York)
Pumpa DIY (Postojna, Slovenia)
P-Side DIY (Los Angeles, California)
Zrza’s Pool (Czech Republic)
Capuchin’s DIY (Breast, France)
Features on:
NORTHWEST (Oregon + Washington)
Little Sista Bowl Cup (Leipzig, Germany)
Transhumance (Finland)
RTC Bowl (Lake Elsinore, California)
Interviews with:
Sota Tomikawa
Tyler Hammond
+ zine and book reviews, and Hot Shit check outs with: Eugenia Ginepro, Hugo Dubief, and Iyan Obaya Rivas.
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* 3 issues per year (shipping included)