BowlRiders Club – Austria

Bowlriders Club

Photos by David Kendlbacher @DVDBaker

Bowlriders Club – Sommerfest – August, 12th – 2023

Session at the Bowlriders Club

video by DVDBAKER

Sebi and BowlRiders overview
Matthew @mudguttz
Matthew @mudguttz
BowlRiders overview

Matthew @mudguttz
Sebi Fox @slim_seby
Sebi Fox @slim_seby  Footplant
Sebi Fox @slim_seby  Backside ollie
Sebi Fox @slim_seby  Ollie in
Matthew @mudguttz over the window on the brick vert extension
Victor. Slob plant
Olli. Iceplant
Olli. One foot to fakie
Tucek. Frontside feeble
Victor. Double nose grab tailblock