Yo! Once again, the annual Rozkurwiel Tour happened. This time it was number 13. Lucky 13? We will find out soon! Like every year, let me start with short introduction. What in hell is Rozkuwiel? First of all, Rozkurwiel is very rude word in polish. Secondly, Rozkurwiel is group of friends from north of Poland. No pros, but very good bros. We are from small town, and we are not all skateboarders. We had also two bmx guys in the squad and one rollerblader (who had a big comeback this year). Maybe that all sounds weird but it works somehow. And it worked this year once again. So let’s start our journey. Ohhh, not so fast! Let me very quickly introduce also who went on the trip (even these names will tell you nothing): Strejli, Mojżesz, Piechta, Kuba, Bączek, Kazyn, Kali aka Larry7 and myself (Kobi). Ok, now we can go.

We started our trip Friday evening, so we could get to Vienna quite early on Saturday. Bigger part of our trips are usually skateparks but this time we started with some street banks by the water. You can only imagine that everyone was hungry as fuck. It’s always like that on the first spot of the trip. You think that you can do anything and you are unbreakable. But then reality kicks in and you are just old dude who drinks more beers than do tricks. It is what it is. Nothing bad with that.

Mojżo with 360 flip. Photo by Piechta 

On the other side of the lake (was it lake at all?) there was a skatepark which was terrible and covered in swastikas. Easy decision. We are moving on to St. Marx. Amazing diy spot. It was my first time there. And as I said. It was amazing! Locals were friendly and offered us electricity, water and place to sleep. What more you can ask for? There was also party in some hole next to skatepark. So you could skate, drink or dance if you want. The tour officially started.

St. Marx skatepark. Photo by Mojżesz
Kobi over the hole. Photo by Kuba
Kobi in the hole. Photo by Mojżesz
Still not loving police. Photo by Kuba
Getting ready for next part of the trip. Photo by Piechta

Morning shredding is the best. I couldn’t miss that opportunity on St. Marx. It was big day for me because it was teh release of new Szrot zine and it was my turn to drive the bus. In the past it was usually our friend Kwiatek who sit behind the wheel. But as he couldn’t go on XIII, we had to find other solution. It took as 13 years to figure our driving schedule. What a bunch of dummies. So that day was my turn!

Our next spot was still in Austria but at one point we crossed a German border for a second and of course we were pulled out for control. Luckily it was not full car search but just checking IDs and asking some questions. Anyway some pants got shitted. We had also planned that day the Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg (two euro entry, huge bowl with cradle and a lot more!) and a second one (Wörgl DIY) next to a dirty river. Even though the second skatepark was way worse, everyone had fun on it. It’s always nice when everyone is just skating and no one had even time to pick up the camera! We set our tents in the bowl, so we didn’t move anywhere else for the night.

Lengendary Cradle Skatepark! Photo by Mojżesz
Kali with boardslide. Photo by Kobi
Kobi flipping the bird. Photo by Piechta
Strejli with signature crooks. Photo by Piechta
Good ol’ skatepark tent city. Photo by Kuba

It was another opportunity for morning shredding. Me gusta! What’s more, Piechta, despite the possibility of 20,ooo € fee, took out his drone and did some filming. That was something new. After everyone had breakfast and morning shit, we moved to legendary spot in Innsbruck. Weather was super hot but beer in local joint was super cold. Ying and yang. Everyone was shredding and there is only one photo from that spot! And it’s not even any action. Haha.

Somehow that’s the only photo from that spot. How come… Photo by Mojżo

Then we hit some other bowl spot that I will not tell too much about. I just film there a line with two same tricks. To this day I wonder if it’s legal.

Mojżo with bs boneless. Photo Kobi


Next day and it was time for next country. We went to Lyon, France. On the way we had luxury breakfast in Ikea. I strongly recommend that on such trips. Cheep food, clean toilets. Sometimes you need that. Small tip, take veggie hot dogs. They are way better. I’m not eating meat at all, but all meat eaters said the same. We checked our potential spot for a night and police approached us again. I was afraid it’s because Mojżesz bought some Dijon mustard. Maybe you don’t know but this year there was some mustard crisis in France. So I would not be surprised if it was illegal to take Dijon out of country. Anyway, it was already quite late, so we just hit some skatepark. Nothing special but it was nice for evening chill.

In the morning it turned out that beach we were sleeping next to is a nudist beach. Of course there were mostly old guys with baguettes on loose. What can you do? You need to respect the locals and adjust. Few days after we left, there was some shooting on that beach. Some nude, old dude shoot someone. No idea when he hides that gun.

It was very nice day, with a little different approach. Instead of driving, we parked our bus next to subway station and travel like that for a whole day. We hit all famous spots and there is no point to described everything. Of course, like a true skate tourists we finished the day at famous 25 stairs that Ali Boulala tried to ollied.

Mucho respect for Ali!

Strejli crooks in the wild streets of Lyon. Photo by Kobi
Some funny park. Photo by Mojżo
Young gun Kali bs flip. Photo by Kobi
Must in Lyon. Legendary 25 stairs. All hail Ali! Photo by Strejli
Crew dying after long day. Photo by Kuba

It was time for the most important (at least for me) part of the trip. Two skateparks in the French Alps. It was hot as hell. We were melting. First skatepark was fun but not too many of us took that challenge. Most of the crew decided to have some Mexican fiesta with music, tapas and vodka. The second skatepark… oh boy! For a long time I was telling that we should go to French Alps and main reason for that was Versus skatepark, and it didn’t disappoint. That shit is a fucking masterpiece. The best skatepark I have had a chance to visit? It is possible. And it’s not even finished! Will it be ever finished?

Strejli keeping his drink cold. Photo by Kobi
Strejli with classy noseslide. Photo by Kobi

Sorry, I got emotional. What’s more, finally I had a chance to meet Jey who is a man behind all that circus. Big shout out to Jey! I found some mattress so it was quick decision to sleep outside somewhere on the skatepark. Next day Jey and his crew came quite early to do their job. For me it’s fine as I wake also early. What’s more, they offered me croissants, coffee and some morning talking. I felt like a king. Once again, big shout out to Jey and whole Versus crew. You are doing it right. I had so much fun in the morning that guys need to force me into our bus!

Sleeping like kings. Photo by Kobi
Kobi. Dancing on the edge of a knife. Photo by Kali

But it was time to move to Zürich, Switzerland. Beast DIY was waiting for us. It was located on some hippie commune. There were around some chickens, pigs, pizza ovens and many many more. We were lucky again as we were told that next day skatepark was supposed to be painted, so we would not be able to skate. Spot was not easy but it was a lot of fun.

Mojżo bs boneless. Photo by Piechta
Kobi with fingerflip lien to tail. Photo by Piechta
Kali ninja varial flip. Photo by Piechta
Kobi one foot tail block. Photo by Piechta
Kobi working on and off the board. Photo. Piechta
Strejli with lipslide. Photo by Piechta
Boys playing frisbee in bowl. Photo by Piechta

After that we moved across German boarder for a sleeping spot. It was just one hour drive but last row of the bus (Piechta, Kuba and myself) got drunk during these 60 minutes like pigs. We get into bus fully sober (almost fully) and then get out so drunk we could barely stand straight. That was funny but I’ll better skip rest of the story.

Scene of total desctruction. Photo by Kuba

Our last stop was at Berlin. It’s always a good idea to finish there. We arrived quite late so there were only some night cruising, some Mustafa and drinking beers. Next day we get up in the morning and went home. I could finish that story right now. But I will add one more thing. So after we get back to our hotel I decided to set an alarm early in the morning. After three hours of sleep, I got up and decided to go on solo mission. We were in Berlin so many times that it’s a shame we never visited Greifswalder. I decided that’s the right time. Half dead I went on my adventure. I took a shit in the park, came out of bushes and asked some random guy for a help with finding the spot. When I finally arrived there were so many people still partying. What can I say? Spot is fucking amazing. I was short on time and I went straight to business so I just took one photo. I love it. Amazing spot. It was totally worth to miss some sleeping and finish that tour XIII in proper way.

Greifswalder D.I.Y. The only photo from Berlin. Photo by Kobi

Thanks again to whole Rozkurwiel crew. Thanks to all the locals. Thanks to Jey.
Thanks to skateboarding, cold beers and hot weather. See you next year!

Mucho Cheers!