FDR Rip Ride Rally 2022

Photos by Paul Burke, Los Estrada and Glenn Joyce

Kieran Woolley. Frontside grind all the way down (click for animation). Photos: Paul Burke
Mikey Taylor @sleep_terrorist Frontside crailslide. Photo: Paul Burke
Chris Russell. Frontside lipslide. Photo: Los Estrada
Kevin Kowalski. Backside air. Photo: Paul Burke
Vi Kakinho. Backside smith grind. Photo: Los Estrada
Kieran Woolley. Backside tailslide. Photo: Paul Burke
Vi Kakinho. Backside smith. Photo: Paul Burke
Kieran Woolley. Frontside nose bonk tailgrab. Photo: Los Estrada
Jhank Gonzalez. Fakie ollie melon grab. Photo: Los Estrada
Jeff Rasp. Frontside grind to fakie. Photo: Los Estrada
Ambika. Frontside carve grind. Photo: Los Estrada
Tyler Yuraszeck. Bail cam. Photo: Paul Burke
Backside Air. Photo: Paul Burke
Wyatt Wisenbaker. Backside Air. Photo: Paul Burke
Beer energy. Photo: Paul Burke
Kevin Kowalski. Hand plant into the channel. Photo: Paul Burke
Bryson Farrell. Backside ollie. Photo: Paul Burke
Kevin Kowalski. Backside pivot to fakie. Photo: Paul Burke
Wyatt Wisenbaker. Sweeper. Photo: Paul Burke
Shark dog (Devil Horns). Photo: Paul Burke
Evan Breder. Frontside crailslide. Photo: Paul Burke
Kieran Woolley. Frontside air to invert over the channel. Photo: Paul Burke
Ryan Cardone. Frontside ollie over the channel
Greyson Fletcher. Frontside ollie. Photo: Paul Burke
Trey Wood. Indy air. Photo: Paul Burke
Chris Russell. Frontside disaster over the channel. Photo: Paul Burke
Wyatt Wisenbaker. Frontside tailblock. Photo: Paul Burke
Greyson Fletcher. Frontside ollie over the channel. Photo: Paul Burke
Dalton Dern. 540. Photo: Paul Burke
Chris Russell. Handplant. Photo: Paul Burke
Archer Braun. Backside ollie. Photo: Paul Burke
Jesse Scalzo. Miller flip. Photo: Paul Burke
Greyson Fletcher. Frontside standup grind. Photo: Paul Burke
Kevin Kowlaski. Backside boneless. Photo: Paul Burke
Tyler Yuraszeck @tylerstandingsideways  Frontside ollie. Photo: Paul Burke
Jordan Beverly @jay_bev_ Hand plant. Photo: Paul Burke
Gavin Rosenberg. Photo: Los Estrada
Roman Pabisch. Backside air. Photo: Paul Burke
Marlon Silva. Back smith. Photo: Los Estrada
Greyson Fletcher. One foot tailgrab. Photo: Los Estrada
Jhank Gonzalez Ortiz from Columbia. Photo: Los Estrada
Marky Meets World. Nose grind. Photo: Los Estrada
Lien air. Photo: Los Estrada
Ryan Cardone @gnardone Photo: Glenn Joyce

Thanks to Jordan (@jay_bev_) for the helping to identifying some of the skaters in the photos.