Article by René Haack @no.spiritual.surrender_
Hanover is pretty much blessed with the 2er DIY (which just got a vert ramp built this summer).
It’s a big temptation for the local skate scene to settle down on what already has been accomplished over the last years, but still a smaller circle of friends, tightly entangled within the 2er, are looking for new opportunities to create obstacles away from 2er, driven by the search for experiences the long established 2er with all its great facilities and legal status can’t provide anymore.
In an area of abandoned factory buildings close to a canal some small projects already evolved (e.g.”ContiCrete DIY“, check out Ben’s 2er-Edit). But this one was shut down the same summer.
This year we discovered a tight and steep ditch close to the swimming spot. Some friends and bmx riders already cleaned a little part of the ditch and filled some cracks, but it was still barely possible to ride with a board. We saw the perfect chance to continue on what they began with some basic concrete work.
However, the first concrete slab for the run-up was destroyed by the city two days later but more important and left untouched was the filled up transition which makes the ditch skateable. Now we know that we can continue to build inside the ditch and the officials are not bothered.
Maybe this is the foundation for a new spot where we can satisfy the hunger for some simpler, less well-equipped and rougher diy-action.
Skaters in the video: Fabian Schwarze, Basti Fischer, Miku, Jule, René Haack, Sven-Julien Kanclerski, Emanuel, Marcel, Mario Piazza.