Pool session – Grind COVID down 2021 – Dülmen, Germany

The Bowl

After a nearly secret session in 2020 because of COVID lockdown and a police show up, we did it again in 2021 as the same non-official procedure.

Who was thinking in 2020 that this COVID shit would hang around that long?

If I organize (together with Philip Böck) I mostly hope we will have good weather, especially no rain. But you must think, “fuck off, is there a lockdown again maybe?” All this shity COVID depression times lasting so long, who will be frightened and stay at home?

Everybody sees people wearing a mask alone in the woods or a double mask everywhere, so who will come? And not even just that, some friends told me OMG that deepend is way to hardcore (hahahha, what is that to deep?)

Anyway, we had over 30 boys & girls who Grinded that Bowl down!

Great isn’t it? We had so much fun and an amazing time skateboarding that day! We didn’t do contest format with time runs,  we did it easy going, everybody can skate as often and as long they want. Only a few times I snaked to regulate to stop everyone so that the first time contest skaters, or boys/girls who were too young or shy or whatever could skate. Since everyone was chilled and in a good mood that worked out perfect.

Our goal to support the youngsters/girls and let’s have a good time for the community went totally 100% as planned.

On top of this great united skating day our sponsors made it possible to give all competitors a contest T-shirt and a place-prize AND most important of all for the after party FREE beer & BBQ. The after party this time not to deep for me, because the next morning I had to go to the Airport to Italy, Venice – an invitation to a very special Event. But that’s another story.   – Wolfgangster

Photos by LUI Ludger Aundrop

Jan Bartel. Crailslide

Frontside Grind
Tony Perrone. Frontside air
David Tuschell. Frontside rock
Lien Air
Frontside tailslide
Tony Perrone. Backside layback
David Tuschell. Backside nosepick
David Tuschell. Backside smith

Body Jar
Frontside nosebone
Frontside grind
Stephan Piepke. Fakie footplant


Very liked for everyone were the certificate, prizes as well, but a certificate is for the wall.

But isn’t it funny at all events there is at least on guy who is complaining about something? We had one who complains about his prize? As I am a Schwabe (south west German) I will never understand that hahahahaha.

So, it’s a must to send THX to:


Urban supplies/Black Label Skateboards/ Destructo Trucks

Woodworx – Tischlerei Böck Dülmen



Trap Skateboards

Koloss Skateboards

And for 2022 I already have a good new idea for a new Starter group:

Family Group (because this time my nice got second and my Cousin third in masters / 2x yeah)

And Philip´s daughter got 3rd place.

CU Yall 2022 hopefully in a healthy strong shape

Intern Artwork by Dirty with love