“By homies, for homies. Real shit no gimmics. Södervik Mästare VOL 3 – Suvilahti DIY #SAVESUVILAHTIDIY ”
Södervik Mästare VOL 3″ is Swedish and means “Suvilahti Championship VOL 3”. It was also Suvilahti DIYs 10 year anniversary party!
During this same weekend there were three different events:
– FRIDAY @helride_event (around city)
– SATURDAY @sodervik_mastare (in suvilahtidiy)
– SUNDAY @koffinvauhtikisat
These are fully independent of each other but we naturally support each other by promoting, and having all in the same weekend due to guests coming overseas etc, we got Tom Remillard from San Diego, João from Brazil etc., long distance travellers.
Photos by Keke Leppälä (@kekeleppala)

Karvonen and KevinBaekkel