Photos Brendan Medairy (@brundan_m)
Backyard vert session in Maryland on a 100f degree day with Darren Navarrette, Derek Krasauks, Jay Stevenson, Carlos Naffziger-Brown and Mark Pfieffer.
“MidAtlantic summers bring extremely humid 97 degree temps with frequent storms that can kill a session and for whatever reason, visitors from all over. Our summer weather sucks balls but that is out “skate season” and we live it. I sometimes hope it rains to keep me from swamp ass, but most times, the sessions go on.” – Derek Krasauks
“I had just got back from the beach and hadn´t shot in a while… Good friend Derek Krasauskas hit me up on one the hottest days yet this summer thought be a good day to dust off the equipment to shoot. The session was lit with a storm approaching and the vampire “Navarrette” was on fire.” – Brendan Medairy
“SK8ing on the east to me, it’s not about the weather… it’s about the session… damn right the sessions get HOT!” – Darren Navarrette