Frediy – Basque country

The idea of building something in the town started in 2018 when Jon Aguirregomezcorta was skating alone in Eibar, Basque Country a similar situation as the skaters from the surrounding towns; he thought in his mind: “If  graffiti writers can go painting in those abandoned factories to produce their pieces, why am I not going to build some ramps?!”

DIY Dogs – Crete Days – Wellington DIY, New Zealand

I’ve been involved in DIY projects in Estonia, but the fact that these guys can organise skaters (!!!) to be on the spot before 7:30 AM and ready to shovel on a weekend, is something else. The DIY spirit is strong with this bunch, hats off to you guys.

LA DIGUE A LA DALLE – Toulouse, France

We decided to bring together chefs, artists and obviously skateboarders during a brand new event at La Digue, our DIY spot in Toulouse, France.


It had been 20 years since I made the trip, so I was so excited to be invited to the 1st N-MEN trip of 2021. I was giddy with excitement as I rummaged through my stuff to find what was left of my downhill/glory hole set up. What I came up with was a set of 100mm, 89A kryptonic wheels, my old ass 169’s with giant risers, and a board that was a warped from sitting for so long.