Article by Jérémy Durand (@versus_skatezine)
Photos by Alban Pernet (@alban_pernet_fotography)
Jacques Séguéla, a french politician once said “If at 50 years old you don’t own a Rolex, it means you messed up something in your life”. Yeah right… Enzo is quite far to be 50 yet (he’s actually only 19) and he doesn’t own the watch , it’s only writing “NOW” anyway. Whatever, since over a year, this kid and his crew have been digging, a fucking huge hole, by hand, which is now probably one of the best backyard pools in France! And yep, those guys shot in one go! God damn legends.
After experiencing a few concrete suicide missions in my life, when Sanglier called me a few months ago to see if I was down to come over to help them out shooting this beast, in one go, with the Vulcano boys and their pump, for sure I was super hyped ! And then… I broke my wrist… Twice in three months.. Whatever, I asked a few concrete slaves from Versus DIY Park to come with me, and they were all down for it. I had a blast even if I could’t really do anything with my cast. But the boys killed it, especially when you think that they weren’t able to shoot anything from the first truck ! So yeah they were all hand stacking the mud as high on the walls as they could. Hopefully, the mix in the second truck worked better, but the blasting sun didn’t helped them out neither. Whatever, the rest is history. They made it ! Such a rad week-end, with rad people. A sick session at Beaulieu DIY near by on top of that and that was already it.
It was really beautiful to see people coming from all around France to help Enzo building his dream. Everybody was dead in the end, but nobody complained. It was totally worth it.
Oh wait, what time is it now? Enzo doesn’t care, but he knows it’s time to work on some tiles and pool coping! Yep, fuck the clock, the first session is coming really soon at BBC DIY !