2er DIY + ContiCrete DIY – DIYWHY

“In times of social media it seems to be pretty quiet around the 2er DIY in Hanover, Germany. But even without an official 2er-IG-account the locals put out two less ephemeral cultural contributions recently. Their video focuses on the locals and their beloved spot. Enriched with some footage from the ContiCrete DIY (rip) and the streets of Hanover. It’s a true and authentic insight in the 2er community and their skateboarding. In combination with the video a little zine was released. It collects analogue photography from skaters and friends. Most of them were taken on the “2er DIWHY” event in 2019. This fest was set up by a new generation of locals in replacement for the legendary and infamous “2er on fire”. It was a 3-day-celebration of our DIY skateculture with contests, movies, more than a dozen bands/artist and not ending after-show parties. Thanks to everybody who showed up and contributed to this crazy weekend.

Video created by Ben Beofsich, part of the ALM DIY (rip) and St Marx DIY crew in Vienna, Austria. Ben worked with Yamato Living Ramps and lived for some years in Hanover. He moved back to Vienna last month and this video edit was his farewell gift to the 2er crew. CC stands for Conti Crete, our small DIY in an abandoned building we built in 2018. It was shut down last year. Footage was collected by him, 2er-mastermind Eule and others over the last four years and almost every local is part of it.”  René Haack

Zine curated by René Haack. It honors the DIY skateboard culture lived and celebrated at 2er in Hanover. Handmade with love and by good friends. The analogphotos were taken between 2015 and 2020 by Aina, Fabian, Frederik, Lisa-Marie, René, Ursi and Viola. It was limited to 50 copies. Proceeds went into the new halfpipe.

2er DIYary zine – click the cover above to check out the zine


almost complete list of skaters:
Max Beckmann
Carsten “Barney” Beneker
Gorden Reh
Daniel “Eule” May
Fabian Dollwet
René Haack
Sven-Julien Kanclerski
Eike Renken
Dennis Laaß
Lennie Burmeister
Ben Beofsich
Dan Staack


Photo by Aina Parejo on Builders’ Jam 2017
Photo by Aina Parejo at Zwolympia 2016 when the Koloss-Crew arrived to spark the Zwolympic fire


Photo by René Haack at “2er DIWHY” fest August 2019
Photo: Fabian Dollwet 2017. Frontside ollie by Anton.
Photo by Frederik Dollwet at “2er DIWHY” 2019 (Frieda, Flo, Fabi, Ben).
Photo by René Haack when the punk-band Jo Gerner from Hanover played at “2er DIWHY” 2019
Photo by Ursula Mittnecker. 2019 during”2er DIWHY”-festival
Photo by Viola Maiwald at “2er DIWHY” 2019.
Burning piano. Photo shot by Lisa-Marie 2019 at “2er DIWHY.


It’s originally a graffiti found at 2er. A made up quote of “Karl Marx”.
It means: “Who works in the evening, can also booze in the morning.” – Karl Marx