JULY 420 at FDR: Confusion report + video


Words, photos, and video by Andrew Metzger.

This entire year has been a shit show and we can’t seem to catch a break. Between a global pandemic and growing civil unrest, people were unsure if the annual Fourth of July party was still a go. We didn’t advertise the event at all and kept it low key to prevent the chance of getting shut down. Luckily, we still had a great turn out. Here’s a few snapshots I took throughout the day while filming. For the real skate photos, check out Brandon Monohan’s article here.

A solid crowd showed up to celebrate.
The Fourth is Doug’s favorite holiday and he always shows up with more fireworks than anyone else.
This photo really captures the feeling: blurred vision from a looming sense of uneasiness while explosives are going off in every direction.
Ricky and his flag.
Travis with a bottle rocket.
Vert sesh got fired up.
Zach Cusano – andrecht.
Zach Cusano – bs boneless with Brandon Monohon getting another angle up front.
Mikey Leven and his bus.
The park required a constant sweeping so people could keep skating. OG Keith puts his time in.
Dickey Johnston – frontside air
The sun shining in from the bridge showed a cloud of smoke wherever you looked.
Perhaps more controversial than usual, the tradition of painting the flag continues.
My best advice? Pace yourself. Don’t end up like this guy.