RCS DIY – Stockholm, Sweden

Article originally seen in Confusion magazine – issue #17.

Update (March 13, 2020. 14:22): RCS DIY is slated for destruction by the end of March, 2020
Update (March 13, 2020. 18:25): The locals are not going to let this go. Please help them fight to keep their spot by writing an email to stadsmiljo.bromma@stockholm.se in support of RCS DIY.


Leo Ström amd Fredrik Gustafsson. Fresh Builders double. Photo: Niemho

An on-going, never ending, always growing DIY park project is the Red Cabin Spot, a.k.a RCS DIY,  under one of Stockholm´s countless bridges. The local crew is there almost all the time, constantly fine tuning, maintaining, scheming new building plans and of course also tearing the park a part, piece by piece, on their boards.

Below you can enjoy the two masterminds, Leo Ström & FredrikFreshGustafsson, playing around in their latest creation – the most insane “backyard pool” Stockholm has ever seen. A true beast with tons of vert and steep corners but yet an ever so fresh pleaser to the eyes; huge deathboxes, large cyan tiles, yellow cooping blocks and a baby smooth surface, all poured in one go. With all the extra details such as the drain in the deep end, pool light, love seat and even water valve caps on the walls it’s as close to the real deal as it gets.

Words & photos: Nicklas Höglund @niemho

Leo Ström. Frontside stand up grind in the deep end. Photo: Niemho
Fredrik Gustafsson. Backside smith grind. Photo: Niemho
Leo Ström. Frontside board slide over the stairs. Photo: Niemho
Johnny. Frontside slash grind in the deep end. Photo: Niemho
Leo Ström. Transfer over the Love Seat to stand up frontside grind to yank in.
Leo Stöm. Frontside double trucker over the death box.
Fredrik Gustafsson. Frontside smith from deep to shallow. Photo: Niemho
Fredrik Gustafsson. Frontside Air.
Fredrik Gustafsson. Frontside crailslide. Photo: Niemho
Fredrik Gustafsson. Backside 50-50 over the Loveseat. Photo: Niemho
Frederik Gustafsson. Backside 50-50 over the loveseat.

For more RCS check their instagram on instagram @rcs_diy