Wharton Street Warehouse – One Year Anniversary Party 

Words and Photos by Brandon Monahan

Raffles, food, and skateboarding to celebrate the birthday of Philly’s indoor bowl. The party was full of non-stop bangers from everyone who showed up.

Wharton Street Warehouse would like to give a huge thank you and shout out to 5th Pocket Skateparks, for helping to build the bowl, and a big thank you to all the members and supports who keep this place running. We couldn’t do it without the Philadelphia skateboarding community!

Video by CaliBound Productions

Tyler Yuraszeck. Crailslide
Alder Wilson. Stalefish
Paulie Woodring @gnarjersey. Christ Air
Andrew Metzger. Backside smith grind
Mark Groves. Frontside Rock’n’Roll
Paulie Woodring. Judo tailblock
Tyler Yuraszeck. Invert Revert
Tyler Yuraszeck. EggPlant
Paulie. Invert drop to the crete
Hans Frank. Slob
Paulie Woodring. Layback frontside standup grind
Mark Groves. Sal Flip
Paulie Woodring. Japan Air
Hans Frank. Tuckknee
Paulie Woodring. Slob fast plant
Andrew Metzger. Frontside ollie
Mark Groves. Heel hang
HansFrank. Frontside Layback Grind
Mark Groves. Fast plant
HansFrank. Lien air
Enrique Santiago. Truck bash
Mark Groves. HeelaMonster
Caroline Duerr. Layback  frontside standup grind
Anthony Sardella. Backside Tailslide
Paulie Woodring. Backside Boneless
Hans Frank. Frontside Air
Anthony Andrews. EggPlant
Paulie Woodring. Tailbone
Andrew Metzger. Lien to Tail
Tyler Yuraszeck. Frontside Air
Enrique Santiago. Wall Plant
Paulie Woodring. Sadplant

Follow the bowl at @WhartonStWarehouse on Instagram and for membership information, contact WhartonStWarehouse@Gmail.com