Barefoot Mike’s backyard bowl

Every year, there is a memorial party to celebrate the birthday of Scotty Hansen, who unfortunately passed away some years ago. The session is held at Barefoot Mike‘s bowl in O’side, a very tight and steep DIY backyard bowl.

The session was on FIRE with a few bands rocking Mike’s backyard while a lot of people were ripping the bowl. It was a great day and I met loads of nice people! I thank Mike for organizing the session, the food and the beer, even more for letting me stay at his place.

Words and Photos by Nicola Debernardi

Frontside Grind- James Gold
Shawn Ross. Judo lien air
Riley Kozerski. Bastard Plant

Shawn Ross. Frontside Air

Sabino Lopez. Frontside Slasher 
Blake Hansen. FSA
Trent Carrol. Frontside crail grind
Shaun Ross. Backside Role in
Shaun Ross. Lien Judo
Frontside grind – Hunter
Mike and Scotty’s brand “Wheel Bite” silkscreened patch