The second edition of the “Killer 50-50s Pool Jam” went down September 28th-29th at the La Kantera pool in Algorta, Basque Country. Geezers from England, Germany, France, Sweden, Portugal, Basque country and USA showed up for the pool party. No contest, just a pool jam with guys that could be grandpa’s in their lazy boys watching football and drinking beers, instead, skating the gnarly pool on the beach in Algorta, drinking beers and not just talking about the days of yore, but living them. Respect to all you ‘old men’ that showed up to shred the pool. Proud to call you my friends. And thanks, gracias, eskerikk asko to Txus for organizing this killer event, without any official sponsors. See you next year. Older and better, or worse… the show must go one. Skate til death or til you’re too broke.
Words and photos: J. Hay
For a longer report (in Deutsch), check out Boardstein.
For the first edition of the Killer 50-50s Pool Jam plus video, go here.
Sun was still blazing at 5 in the afternoon. Clive, Ron and Jeff hit up the china shop up the hill to fill the icy cooler with three 18-packs.Txus. Frontside slash grindKiller 50-50s pool jam host and main man behind the creation of the La Kantera Pool – Txus DominguezGary Boodt from Santa Cruz. Shout out to Meekster who unfortunately couldn’t make it last minute… Gary also pulled an Andrecht but I was on the other side of the pool at the time, and he only did it onceDietsches. Backside power grind mega butt shot but at least he’s got electrical tap to cover up the butt holes.Dicky. Frontside grind while throwing his horns.Starsky Kleinhans. Sunset grindsAnders Tellen. Feeble to fakie.Kevin Campbell. No hands no feed frontside grind on the hip. Would hav ebeen sick.Dicky going for an edger.Clive. Layback grindAnders Tellen. Madonna
Under 50’s who joined the sessions:
La Kantera local Borja Casas. Frontside carve grind.Yago Dominguez, Txus’s son, powerful stand up frontside grind, making papa proud.Enrique Giles. Nosepick over the deathboxEnrique Giles. Nosepick over the deathbox. Lighting assist from Juan Limas
Bonus photos:
Johan Berglind from Sweden and French master skate photographer Fred FerandOur buddy Chad from California arrived the day before for a visit and a quick Spain tour so he stopped by for the weekend to have some beers/wine with the boys/men and watch some Killer 50-50s pool skating.Ron from California and Loic from France, Dicky from England and Johan from Sweden… enjoy the ultimate moments of light around the pool before darkness.LK legend NatxoArne Fiehl and Juan LimasSaturday night at the Layback cafe. Beers and Pizza.Wolfgangster and Arne Fiehl of Boardstein.com5 germans, a basque, and an americanSunset at La KanteraThe end of the weekend. 24 hours of no food… up to Illuna bar for (veggie) hamburgers and a couple more beers.