In June 2019 a new skate area opened in Santiago de Compostela, northwest of Spain. The space was adapted from the previous terrain so ended in two connected areas, the “c” (with granite curbs and quarters, stairs and rails ) and “Plaza Mirador” ( with bank, planter, slappy, pyramid, manual pad and flat rail) but this one is only skateable after 8pm because there are office workers under that part of the spot – except for weekends of course.
Designed by the architect and skater Daniel Yabar (@daniyabar) it’s situated behind of the Galician Parliament in the center of the town and very close to the railway station, so many visitors skated the spot this summer with the locals and more to come. You can see daily updates on @elpasilloscd
Photos and article by Javier Saavedra @fromoza

Word and photos: Javier Saavedra
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