First stop of of the Basque Pool Series in the La Kantera Pool located at Playa Arrigunaga in Algorta, Pais Vasco. June 22nd, 2019.
The Basque Pool Series doesn’t have big money prizes like the La Kantera Pro to attact skaters from around the world, so it’s more of a local Basque crew and skaters from Barcelona and other parts of Spain.
The next events are July 6th at the Gernika bowl, July 20th in the Leioa bowl, and September 21st in the new Olabeaga bowl
Basque Pool Series 2019 – La Kantera
Filmed and edited by J. Hay
Music by Buzzov-en “A Lack Of”
Photos by Jonathan hay

Ladder session:

Additional photos by Borja Casas

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