A long overdue video/photo reportage from Mondaka DIY, but last June, 2018 between torrential down pours in the middle of the woods of Mondariz in Galicia, Rules Fest – 4th edition went wild again with a full day of skateboarding (and a heavy undocumented session the evening before) with bands blazing til late into the night after the winners were chosen and back to beers and celebration throughout the night. The Mondaka DIY skatepark has grown a lot over the last years from it’s humble beginnings in the first editions, and despite some struggles the spot remains and continues to improve each year.
The next edition is this coming Saturday, June 1st, 2019 and it looks to be a sunny day and warm weekend in an amazing location away from society. If you can make it, it’s an unforgettable experience that words can’t describe.
Photos and video edit: J. Hay

Rule Fest IV Mondaka D.I.Y.
Video edited by Victor Rodriguez Sanchez