For a short introduction, Rozkurwiel is a crew from north of Poland. Ok, that’s enough for an introduction. So for the annual Rozkuwiel Tour, in 2018 we decided to check the ocean. As always we rent a bus, get together nine freaks and hit the road. We started in the evening so we could (or most of us) get drunk and get our shit together before reaching the first destination. Our first target was Portland Skatepark in Switzerland. Could a trip start better? Portland is an amazing diy skatepark, full of crazy details. As usual on the first day, everyone was on fire, ready to kill in the name of pure skateboarding. We were there for few hours and then got into the bus and went straight to France. We noticed a dam and that was a perfect place for our camp. Some old guy was probably pissed as we set our tents not far from his…

First French stop was… supermarket. Sure, boys need to eat and drink obviously. Vassivière Island was next on our list. Let me sum it up with a quote: “We get older, we get worse and every year we choose more fucked spots“. Haha. It was supposed to glow in the dark but there was barely any light!

After few hours in bus and short nap, I woke up next to some skatepark. I was surprised as it doesn’t look any special. I was wondering why we choose it. But then I noticed that, all my friends are looking down at one point. Suddenly I was thinking “ok, another huge bowl”. I could not be any more right. It was more a pool then bowl, with pool coping, stairs, deep and very steep shallow. It was great and it was one and only Gujan-Mestras Pool. It’s the best feeling when you get over these stairs. The neighbours were quite loud so we set up tents when it was dark and leave early in the morning.

Boys still wanted some baguettes so for last stop in France we climb on the roof of the Museum of Ocean and Surf in Biarritz. It was interesting. Bowl on the roof? It was more some kind of art I believe. I got a trick that I wanted and that’s all I’ll say. It was so hot that we needed go get into the ocean. After a few minutes of getting ourselves hydrated, the lifeguard told us that we were basically swimming in shit (there was some huge rainfalls days before). But for us it’s nothing!

Fuck, more hours in bus and we found ourselves in San Sebastian. I felt like I was in some ghetto in Brazil and what’s more, we were looking for some dyi bowl in someone backyard… Perfect scenario to get murdered… Lucky we found it and the owner was very nice to us. Amazing session. Maybe the best spot on that trip. The vibes were like nothing else. Little ghetto but it was great. Diy bowl, beers swimming in small swimming pool. Definitely good times!

Now it’s hard to believe but after some time, bowl with view of the ocean was nothing extraordinary for us. Just another bowl. The next spot was in Spain, with a bowl almost on the beach. There were few locals, a german guy who was ripping and waves in the ocean (two of us took surfboards).

La Kantera was next but I will not say anything. There has been enough said about this place already. We spent a night on the beach in the next city. Some beach services woke us up, so we needed to take our tents. Most of us were very tired at that point, so I was the only one who went uphill and took a shit with an ocean view (that’s something new!) and then climb again to the blue bowl with surfers on the horizon. You should go there too suckers!

To speed that story a little. We hit a skatepark where actually kids from Element skate camp were skating. I took a role of skate coach and got kids stoked (you can find me in some clip from element Spain team)! For the last spot of the day and last one in Spain, we choose a skatepark with some chute. Nothing really special but still good times. After that the hard part of trip started…

We got into the bus for a 22 hour drive to get into 2er, Hanover. Let me tell you that (and that’s 100% true) after this hell ride, my ankles looked like elephant’s legs. It looked scary as fuck. What’s more, my brain was completely washed. I get into market and was just walking like a zombie. I could not think at all. Lucky, after chill on 2er, we all get back to life and started the session. 2er is the best. Every time something new. Every time amazing people. Every time great hospitality. 2er should be your number one spot to visit.

The next day was half in 2er and on the road to Berlin (with some bowl on the way). In Berlin, we were skating Dogshit spot but after some time the weather got terrible. Raining cats and dogs, windy as hell. Mother nature was not nice to us that day. So after some discussion, we decided there was no point to stay in Berlin with such shitty weather and hit the road back to Poland.

That’s about it. If you like it, I can secretly tell you, photos (some from this article, some probably not) will be printed in #17 issue of skate zine- Szrot. There will not be just plain pictures but something special. Sorry for wasting your time!
Check out Szort zine here or here.
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