“When Zach Cusano told me about this trip he was taking to Charleston, South Carolina I knew this had to be a crazy one! We flew out from Colorado and had some homies Leigh and Vern who hooked us all up with a place to stay and was just the start of southern hospitality. Everyone brought us to the under the bridge DIY, Ed’s backyard pool, and Otis’s backyard pool. Then it was time for the Hanger and the 25th Bieringville Halloween bowl bash. Living in Colorado we have a Team Pain park that has a replica of the bowl in South Carolina so it was pretty sick to see the original which is half rusty metal and half old warped skatelite that will tear you up. Hank, the owner of the bowl, was telling me the history of it and that all the metal was original from 25 years ago. People came from all over the south east usa travelling hundreds of miles, if not more, to get to this Bowl Bash. At the end of the day the “extension school desk” came out and some gnarly shit went down. Ended it with a big bon fire where some poison snakes came out of the fire and partied the night away. Next day we flew back to Colorado but will be thinking about this unique scene in Charleston and when I’m going back for along time.”
Words & Photos by Rob Kennedy @radrib
Under the bridge DIY – Charleston, South Carloina with Zach Cusano and Chuck Pontone

Hanger Bowl – Bieringville, Johns Island – South Carolina with Otis, Crazy Dave, Laird Brunson, Chuck, Zach, and Steven McKaig

Otis’s backyard pool with Zach, Josh McFadden, Otis, Reef, Orlando

Ed’s Pool with Quinn Knight, Zach, Chuck, and Tony Marley