Niv Halpern from Israel put together a video part in five months after recovering from a serious illness that almost killed him. Back to life was filmed at DIY spots he helped build and at street spots and skateparks around Tel Aviv, Israel. Niv survived a near fatal sickness and returned stronger and with a much more positive outlook on life! Have a read of what he has to say then check out his video part.
“Last year I was dying from blood in my lungs, I had a serious problem with my immune system, it tried to kill me, but now I’m fine. I just had a long way until I got back on board, because the medicine killed my muscles and bones. Skateboarding is the only thing that kept me motivated to fight for my life. Sitting at home, and in the hospital, reading mags and watching videos, I always remembered what I’m fighting for, and kept smiling. They said I’ll never be back, and it wasn’t even clear if I’d stay alive, but here I am, with my first video part, feeling better than ever! Skateboarding saved my life.” – Niv Halpern
Los Kikes “Reason”
Night Sins “Evangeline”

You can follow him at @nivhalpern
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