Support Your Local DIY 4 – Beaulieu DIY – France

Beaulieu DIY southern France. May26th, 2018
Hang Up Skateboard Presents: SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DIY IV

Sponsored by Confusion Magazine, Five-O shop, cOLLAPSe sKATEBOARDs, Bud skateshop, Dirty French, SONAR Wheels, Antiz Skateboards, Blackwolf skateboards, and Vans Europe.
Live Bands: Black Witches and Terror Shark
Music: Witch – “Soul Of Fire”
Film & Edit: Bastien Regeste

Photos by Marc Gyver and Dlavio

Prizes included Confusion stuff and other product from the sponsors, along with some local wine, honey and saucisson from Beaulieu. Their stone cutter friend from across the road surprised them with a stone carved trophy.

Luka Rémy. Crailslide over the door. Photo: Marc Gyver
Raphael Ostorero. Photo: Dlavio
Michael Kaba. Photo: Marc Gyver
Michael Kaba. Photo: Marc Gyver
Julien Bechet. Frontside crailslide. Photo: Marc Gyver
Julien Bechet. Backside crailslide. Photo: Marc Gyver
Fred Vander. Photo: Dlavio
The trophy hand carved by the stone cutter friend from across the street. Photo: Marc Gyver

Beaulieu DIY.