Guaje Skates – Bowl Contest – Gijón, Spain

Guaje Skates indoor skatepark & school – one year anniversary bowl contest. May 12th, 2018 – Gijón, Asturias, Spain.

Photos + Film and edit by J. Hay


Lente. Crail air
Aitor. Madonna
Enrique Giles. Front feeble
Agus. Front feeble
Enrique Giles. Frontside nosebone
Aitor. Finger flip to tail
Aitor. Back feeble
Ibon Mariño. Frontside air
Ibon Mariño. Lien finger flip to tail.
Ibon Mariño. Nosegrind tail grab
Larrun Barrenetxeo. Frontside lipslide from the pool coping face wall through the corner
Lente. Eggplant
Sergio “Lente” Dotor. Frontside alley oop ollie
Parse. Sequence: Backside boneless off the wall
Captain Jairo and Pepe Nuñez from Torrelavega
Jhon Esteban from Columbia, now living in Basque country, aka Parse. Stalefish.
Parse. Stand up frontside grind
Pepe Nuñez. Crailslide
Pepe Nuñez. Frontside ollie
Pepe Nuñez. Frontside grind up the escalator and in
Pepe Nuñez. FSA
Victor Bolado. Front feeble
Victor Bolado. Frontside melon
Intensu. Front smith.
Joshua always has the most funky tricks. Rock Judo to fakie

Masters (35+)

Captain Jairo Garcia. Front smith tail grab
Captain Jairo. Stalefish
Captain Jairo. Frontside hurricane
Enrique Santibañez. Front smith
Foni Ardao. Backside Judo
Foni Ardao. Crailslide
Ivan Maroño. Layback frontside grind
Lolo Revilla. Caballerial rock n roll.
Lolo. Back smith
Lolo. Backside feeble to fakie
Jany Guerra. Layback frontside grind

Juniors (but qualified for the finals)

Abraham Tores. Stale fish

Kids (under 10)

Leo Sanchez. Frontside disaster
Adrián Moreno. Frontside air
Adrián Moreno. Frontside grind

Pro/Am (17-34):
1) Sergio “Lente” Dotor (Puertollano)
2) Parse (Oridiza / Columbia)
3) Pablo Carranza (Santander)
4) Pepe Nuñez (Torrelavega)
5) Larrun Barrenetxeo (Bilbao)

Masters (over 35):
1) Captain Jairo Garcia (Torrelavega)
2) Enrique Santibañez (Torralavega)
3) Foni Ardao (Gijón)
4) Lolo Revilla (Gijón)
5) Ivan Maroña (La Coruña)

Juniors (11-16):
1) Abraham Torres (Santander)
2) Mario Arriaran (Santander)
3) Iyam Obaya (Aviles)

Kids (Under 10):
1) Adrián Moreno (Santander)
2) Leo Sanchez (Santander)
3) Félix Fraite (Gijón)

Sponsored by Globe, Element skateboards, Confusion magazine, Pro-Tec,, Mimaría hempworks, Hoax mfg, Santa Cruz Skateboards, Alien Workshop, Screwed Hardware, Independent Trucks.