DIY League: 5 spots built by and for skaters

La Casita DIY, Dinero DIY, La Pista DIY, Fabrik DIY and El Rio DIY are the five spots where this competition is taking place. So far it’s been ‘La Pista’ and ‘Fabrik’ that have been skated, next up will be ‘La Casita’ then ‘Dinero’ and the final DIY will be ‘El Rio’, being that this DIY is in the center of the city.

This idea came from a bunch of local skaters (Mele, Ale, Dani, Coro and Inxao) wanting to organize an event. But they didn’t want the usual skate comp at the skate park, so the plan was to choose the most popular diy spots from around the area of Malaga and skate each one every couple of weeks. All skaters go out and skate the DIY, like if it was your usual skate sesion. Then woever lands the best trick, or seems to be ripping the most, gets a prize. Although the main point is about having fun, beers and a good laugh with the homies.

Lots of beer, a couple of punk bands and some prizes from Vans, Jart, Mosaic, Iron, Living Savage and Flip have and are making these events possible.

Words and Photos: Edu Lester @landchap



Migue. Hippy jump through the tire

Arthur. Kickflip
Bouras. Boneless
Fast plant stand up frontside grind
Fast plant transfer
Fly up boardslide
Josh. Frontside feeble
Front flip
Josef. Frontside sess slide
Migue. Crooks
Migue. Five o
Migue. Melon
Migue. Wallride yank out
Nono. Melon
Wallie Fakie


Tre flip
Blindside 180
Boneless Transfer
Sofa Flip
Switch Crooks
Varial Flip