The OMSA POOL in Hans’ backyard in a tiny town in the german countryside is no longer as the deal with the landlord was to destroy the pool if he ever moved out the house he was renting. Concrete work by Minus Pools with help from Hans’ and friends who also did a lot of the digging and preparations. Nicola Debernardi drove over with a crew from Holland to share last good times with the German OMSA crew and friends.

Photos Nicola Debernardi

Tim Bijsterveld. Backside smith grind
Dan Slash frontside grind.
Jeff Podolski and his patented layback frontside slash grind
Anders Tellen. Madonna
Dennis Degenhardt. Layback rock n roll. Photo: Nick Bax
Rock n Roll
Ralf Kussowski. Frontside grind
Anders Tellen. Front smith.
Nicola set the camera down for a few minutes to get some sneaky final grinds to himself. Photo: Nick Bax