“In Autumn 2016 when it started getting cold and dark in Switzerland we decided to plan a trip to Portugal.
Since the Herzblut Crew includes 14 boys and girls it’s always easy to find someone who is down for a trip. This time the lineup was Lukas Halter, Patrick Pyttel, Franz-Josef Venetz, Damiano Lombardi and myself Paul Buner.
First week of 2017 we took of to Lisbon. Timing was perfect – the thermostat in Switzerland dropped to -10 degrees and as we arrived in Lisbon it was +14 degrees. Good start.
From the beginning the plan was set… get up early and skate all day, discovering the awesome food at night and drinking a lot of the local beers. Needless to say there’s a lot of stories that came together but that would be too much here.”
Words, photos, video by Paul Buner
Portugal trip – January 2017
Lukas Halter, Patrick Pyttel, Franz-Josef Venetz, Damiano Lombardi and Paul Buner
Song: Screamin’ Jay Hawkins “I love you”.