Fuck fear drink beer

Fuck fear drink beer – art show and Port land DIY session – Basel, Switzerland in memoriam of the Black Cross Bowl. August 26, 2016 at Gallery Guillaume Daeppen.

Nicolas Büchi’s exhibit. Photo: Piper
Leon Zuodar’s (aka Lele) exhibit. Photo: Pipera
Alex Görger’s (aka Pudi) exhibit. Photo: Piper
Lele’s artwork being admired, with a fearless beer drinker. Photo: Piper
Art by Tibor. Photo: Piper
Photo: Piper
Pudi shooting some pool on the BlackCrossBowl pool coping complete with Pudi’s own Pool coping
Pudi’s Pool coping pool table with Black Cross replica. Photo: Piper

Black and white photos of Lombego Surfers by Gogo Cetiner

Rohan Anderson, one of the builders of Port Side. Frontside grinding over the door in the corner. Photo: Piper
Port Land DIY is located in a very hip little junky retro new age spot along the Rhein river. Photo: Piper
JB, Rock n Roll under the bridge between the artshow and the skate park.
Gallery Daeppens. Opening night. Photo: Piper
Boldriders were here!
Photo: Piper
Børge. Boneless of the little built in ramp under the overpass on the river. Photo: Piper
Børge. Fly out. Photo: Piper
Pudi explaining the history of his shots to Soup and someone else. Photo: Piper
Chris Cope. Backside Smith. Photo: Piper
Chris Cope. Invert. Photo: Piper
Chris Cope. Frontside disaster. Photo: Piper

Bonus phone photos from J. Hay

Port Land DIY. Basel, Switzerland
Checking out Pudi’s skate photography.
Lele artwork with Pudi Pool Coping embellished pool table. I believe Oli Bürgin was the other man behind this master piece.
Pudi’s Pool table
Leon Zuodar aka Lele, the mastermind behind several Confusion artworks and many more very radical and humorous artworks. Support the Underground?!
Lele explaining his china man pool block production methodology.

Leon Zuodar’s exhibit
Nicolas Büchi and his exhibition. Photographs on metal.
Lele’s interpretation of Rohan
Kos and Soup.
Chris Cope had his own way to cope with the heat.
Robert Kos and Matt Grabowski, sharing some shady times
Float on down the river. 34c. Skating was not possible in the day… river floating, however, was.

That’s the story actually, it was so fucking hot, and so humid, existence was a struggle. Dipping in the Rhein and some cold beers, great art show with rad people, the Boldriders even came over from Slovenia to enjoy good company and celebrate Pudi’s 50th birthday at the art gallery, and a concert with legendary Swiss surf rockers Lombego Surfers. Thanks to Oli Bürgin for organizing such an epic event, and thanks to Pudi for having his 50th birthday be an excuse to coordinate a party of epic proporations in collaboration with the artshow at Guillaume Daeppen. I probably forgot to mention something, but, photos speak louder than words.  – J. Hay

Background about the exhibition:

Four words taken from a graffiti on the Blackcrossbowl perfectly describe the six years era of the legendary concrete DIY skate project in Basel.

For some the bowl became a temporary living room for a few months every year, but even in the winter you could find people skating and hanging out by the fire regulary.

The spirit of the Blackcrossbowl sparked and inspired other skateboarders all over Europe to take fate in their own hands and build a scene for themselves.

The FUCK FEAR DRINK BEAR group exhibition marks the ten year anniversary of the beginning of the Blackcrossbowl. It looks back and forward to explore and document the DIY spirit that is engrained in skateboarders everywhere.

A group show with:
Nicolas Büchi
Liam Clark
Axel Görger

Leon Zuodar
Lucian Zweifel
Blackcrossbowl’s crew

Check out the VERSUS Skatezine issue dedicated to the BlackCrossBowl memoriam here.

More info and photos at  blackcrossbowl.com

And portlandbasel.ch