Vans Park Series – Malmö, Sweden September 6, 2016August 24, 2016 Vans Pro Skate Series. World Championship. Malmö, Sweden. August 20, 2016. The Confusion photo report. Photography by Nicola Debernardi and Eddie Think. GIRLS: Don’t know all the girls names, but she’s blasting a tuckknee over the loveseat. Photo: Eddie Think Allysha Le. Frontsmith in the corner. Photo: Eddie Think Julz. Boneless in off the tombstone. Photo: Eddie Think Unidentified rock n roller slider in the curve. Photo: Eddie Think. Julz. Ollie transfer. Photo: Eddie Think Yndiara Asp. Footplanting off the tombstone. Photo: Eddie Think Nicole Hause. Spine transfer into the corner. Photo: Eddie Think Julz. Frontisde stand up in the corner. Photo: Eddie Think Brighton Zeuner. Backside air. Photo: Eddie Think Nicole Hause. Frontside nosebone. Photo: Eddie Think Yndiara Asp. Layback air. Photo: Eddie Think Lizzie Armanto. Stalefish. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Yndiara Asp. Crail. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Nicole Hause. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Allysha Le. Frontside lipslide. Photo: Nicola Debernardi DUDES: Chris Russell. Invert. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Robin Bolian. Frontside corner blaster. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Raven Tershy. Styling out a frontside stand up grind. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Pedro Barros. Backside boned out air into the bank. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Kevin Kowalski. Invert on the tombstone. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Muillo Peres. Frontside corner air. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Kevin Kowalski. Backside boneless. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Jack Fardell. Noseblunt slide. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Ivan Federico. Judo air. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Greyson Fletcher. Classic one foot ollie. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Cory Juneau. Nosegrind. Photo: Eddie Think Mark Scott. Hand plant spine transfer. Photo: Eddie Think Kevin Kowalski. Backsmith. Photo: Eddie Think Grant Taylor. Frontside 50-50. Photo: Eddie Think Kevin Kowlaski. Invert. Photo: Eddie Think Cory Juneau. Kickflip melon grab. Photo: Eddie Think Collin Graham blasting a boneless through the corner. Photo: Eddie Think Don’t know his name, but maybe you do. Blasting the corner. Photo: Eddie Think While all just a blur for Greyson Fletcher some dude in a Vert Attack shirt shows off his pro-skater autographs while blocking Eddie’s shots. Photo: Eddie Think Grant Taylor. Frontside ollie. Photo: Eddie Think Cory Juneau. Frontside slide and roll. Photo: Eddie Think Grant Taylor. Wallie grab in. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Cory Juneau. Nosegrind. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Cory Juneau. Backside invert. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Another angle of Collin Graham’s boneless through the corner. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Chris Russell. Tailgrab. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Brad McClain. Front smith in the corner. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Collin Graham. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Alex Sorgente. Frontside tailgrab. Photo: Nicola Debernardi Facebook Twitter Pinterest
It was a fu++ing Blast