Shitfoot Mongoland – skater owned tradeshow – 2016

eA stupidly named 3 day tradeshow for skater owned brands, independent distributors, retailers and press that took place on June 28th til June 30th, 2016 at Urban Spree in Berlin, Germany

Photos by Alan Maag

The Shrine – built in loving memory of Yama Skateboards who could not make it this year
Sir Stu Lovenskate – host and inspiration for the three days’ events on the Mini
It sucks to have wasted a bottle of booze. Taylor Jones making up for it with an ingenious technique.
Ewen Bower switch iceplant to joust
Alex Hallford backside joustpick
The joust is on!
Joust wack
Joust smack
Monty Python and the Search for Mongoland.
Tarek Sayoud. Layback frontside grind slob grab.
Rich West. Backside disaster.
Ewen Bower. Cowboy plant
Alex Hallford. Fakie melon pick
Taylor Jones. Backside 360 boneless.
Ewen Bower. Fakie stale fish.
Shit Foot Mongo Landers
Piñata skate
Piñata skate chaos
Alex Hallford sweeping up the piñata.
High tech red camera Koloss Beer Sessions
Livio Gritti. Blunt on the tradeshow ramp.
Federico Boldini. Front rock on the mini in the Warriors skateboards booth.
Italian hardcore punk
Punk show
Trade punk show
British Kingpins Alex Irvine and Stu Smith up to no good as usual or maybe a lot of good.
Hirschi. Tailslide.
Kickflip to fakie.
Sam Partaix on the vert section.
Mongo Landers
Livio Gritti. Swiss Texas
Livio Gritti. Fakie Nose blunt
Hirschi. Slob to fakie
Fede Boldini. Body jar.
Fede Boldini. Heelamonster.
Livio Gritti nose pick
Fede Boldini
Lenni. Losi grind.
Livio Gritti. Blunt to fakie on the trade show ramp.
Day dreaming of a non-corporate take over of the corporations.
Photobombing the blunt to fakie.
Fede Boldini. Front rock at the Warriors booth.
SFML art wall
Free beer is good beer
Black Heaven and Witchcraft skateboards booths
Tired of normal of normal ramps.
Wheat pasting the art on the walls.
More art.
Curating the art show with Sara Parson Texas
Make your own trade show. Build your own ramps. Do it all yourself, because no one’s going to do it for you. Unless you pay them.

See you next summer, at Urban Spree in Berlin.

More info check the website or facebook or instagram page.

Filmed / Edited by CALYPSO Media