Rule Fest 2 – Mondaka diy – Galicia, Spain

On Saturday June 11th, the second edition of Rule Fest in the d.i.y. of Mondaka, in Mondariz (Spain). After a few years the place is more amazing than ever! Wooden transitions, some pool coping, close to the river, rooms, kitchen, roof… and the best atmosphere with the old and new friends all over Galicia.

After the contest many bands played in the local keeping the good vibes alive till the early morning of the next day. A project made with passion that is stronger than ever. Keep on building! Keep on skating!!! Keep on having fun!!!

Words + photos: Javier Saavedra

Anxo. Footplant to fakie.
Sam. Frontside air.
Mondaka overview.
Olaf. Frontside rock.
Gelo. Backside smithgrind.
Dhai. Frontside smith.
Dhai. Alley oop.
Bruno. Crail air.
Bruno. FS Hurricane.
Bruno. FS Hurricane.
Mondaka overview.

1º Dhai
2º Bruno C.
3º Sam V.
4º Anxo C.
5º Nine
6º Gelo

1º Jesús C.
2º Hugo A.
3º Muriel