Sergej Vutuc x Love Skateboards x Project 45
After a few collaborations with a canadian company I decided to hit the road in Canada and explore their local scene and make more tight bond between Love Skateboards and my work.
After a few collaborations with a canadian company I decided to hit the road in Canada and explore their local scene and make more tight bond between Love Skateboards and my work.
It was raining heavily the days before, so they had to skip the skate contest from Saturday to Sunday and it has rained every day since.
On Saturday June 11th, the second edition of Rule Fest in the d.i.y. of Mondaka, in Mondariz (Spain).
Zach Cusano’s Vert ramp party – May 2016 – video / edit Andrew Metzger
Volcom Rat Bowl contest at North Brigade – Cologne, Germany