“I’ve never written an intro before, always thought it would be impossible and to write one for mark is one of the hardest things as he’s not the sort of guy who likes compliments or stuff like that, he lives more on the ‘get the job done and get out of there’ side of things. To cut a long story short I was about 12 or 13 when we first met, he came to my hometown of Walton on the Naze to the little skatepark we had in the town where no one came, we started chatting and before I knew it he was throwing a sea of abuse at me getting me to try stuff I had never even thought about trying before, this technique of making people try stuff that was completely fucking terrifying actually worked!!! He calls you a useless cunt until you have no choice but to commit to whatever you are trying!!! We then spent the next ten years hanging out and skating pretty much everyday!! There is too much I could write so I’m going to keep it short, but I basically owe my life to this guy and that is not a lie! Much love.” – Ben Raemers
Mark Munson’s welcome clip for Muckefuck Urethane
What came first skateboarding or fishing?
Fishing 1st then skating, I started fishing when I was 9 but skating came later maybe 16?

Whats the deal with Navitas?
After working in the skate and snow industries for years and always going fishing i decided to start a cool apparel brand for anglers back in 2009 called Diem, this went crazy and it’s a long story but i tried to buy my partner out and after months of negotiating the deal fell apart. so i started work on the Navitas Outdoor project. its basically a brand that has come from me and my friends experiences living on the road, travelling and being outdoors for ever. i wanted to create something that looked and felt good and more than anything performed well in all conditions. the brand is kind of a mix between the skate and snow influences, Outdoors living and also we have a fishing side to the product too. so you get the best of all worlds really. we launched in 2012 in stores and it’s growing well so far, i think we are in around 16 countries throughout Europe right now and looking towards USA and Canada in 2016 so pretty hyped on the reaction we have had with the brand so far, people seems stoked on it…

How was it growing up during the illegal rave days?
Its was pretty crazy and really hard to explain to anyone who wasn’t there what it was like? 20 thousand people all heading to an air hangar to party on a saturday night was not something that ever happened before haha No one even knew where the raves would be and everyone would be waiting to find out calling the mobile number on the tickets and then a message would tell you where to head, then a convoy of thousands of cars full of ravers would head to the venue. Ravers were not cool in the eyes of the public back then, we were all seen as drug addict fuck ups haha ( so pretty much like skateboarders too haha) but it was an amazing time for sure, it sounds cliche but i guess it was like our Woodstock type thing, it was rad for sure.

How’s life changed since you had a child?
Pretty much every part has changed! its mental but the best thing for sure, just amazing to watch him grow and learn stuff and scary how fast they work things out! it was the right time for me to have a kid as i felt i had done a lot of shot in my life so this is just adding too it all! i am stoked on it…

Who has influenced you throughout skating?
Our local scene in Colchester was pretty strong back in the day, we built our own ramps in a pig shed on my mates farm and people used to come from all over to session the place ( this was way before any real council parks) everyone who was a local was fully into going ballistic and eating shit all day so it was the perfect place to learn and be inspired.

Why is Essex the best place in the world?
It just is mate! Loads of cunts everywhere to take the piss out of. Its pretty sunny here too and not to far out of London so if you need to be in town its easy and now we have a few decent skateparks too.

Favourite skate trip story?
Too many sick ones! every trip has its moments! one of my favourites was our 1st trip to Poland, crazy comp, crazy parties, getting kicked out of every hotel we were in and super cheap, super good beer and so many cool people too that was a good one for sure. also the marseille trips were epic and every trip to Oregon has been amazing, that is the best place on earth!

What came first the chicken or the egg?
I guess a chicken of some kind haha.

Best memory growing up skating with Carl “Potter” Wilson?
Just watching him eat total shit trying anything for the 1st year of him skating, then a few years later watching him destroy everything in his path and thinking how did that happen? We had a tight amazing crew back then and it was just a super fun time every session, everyone down to go crazy and eat shit and constantly push themselves and each other non stop.

If you start over again would you do it differently?
I would have had my 2nd knee surgery earlier as I feel I missed a full year of skating from not getting it sorted. Otherwise i cant moan, i have had some amazing times, been all over the world skating and snowboarding, made some great friends along the way and seen kids i helped out a bit turn into some of the best skateboarders out there. i am just stoked to still be able to skate! when i was 20 i didn’t think i would be able to walk by the time i was 30 haha i am still hanging in there, thanks to yoga and advil haha.

Photos by Carl “Potter” Wilson and Jerome Loughran