Bowlzilla Chile 2016

“Congrats to Murilo Peres and Tony Hawk, and the Bowlzilla team – it was rad!!!!”

Photos by Borja Casas

Alex Halford
Alex Halford
Chris Russell
Chris Russell
Ivan Federico
Ivan Federico
Josh Borden
Josh Borden
Kevin Kowalski checking out some other spots!
Kevin Kowalski checking out some other spots!
Kevin Staab
Kevin Staab
Pag Ngoho
Pag Ngoho
Sam Beckett
Sam Beckett
Sky Siljeg
Sky Siljeg
Steve Caballero
Steve Caballero
Love and Guts artshow
Love and Guts artshow
Miguel Catarina
Miguel Catarina
Tom Schaar
Tom Schaar
Alan Young
Alan Young
Chad Ford event organizer.
Chad Ford event organizer.

Background text from

January 16th, 2016

BOWLZILLA Chile is the first of its kind in South America. Having the combination of the two was brilliant in being able to give fans access to their favorite skaters and bands at the one time and each inspiring the other.

Steve Caballero was easily the busiest person at the event. He skated in the Masters heats and qualified for the final. In between he went on stage and did a guest bass appearance with Strung Out and then skated in the Masters finals and placed 2nd overall. That wasn’t enough though, he then went on stage with his best friends and their band The Faction, playing for the first time to a South American audience that has been wanting to see them since the early 80s when they formed. Steve wins BOWLZILLA Chile MVP for 2016!

Skating with Steve in the Masters was 2015 International Skateboarder’s Union Masters World Champion – Pat Ngoho. This honor gave Pat the best position to skate in during the qualifying heats; last rider in last heat. Included were riders from Brazil; Marco Cruz, Miguel Catarina, Bruno Passos, Evandro Mancha, the USA; Bill Rennie (Tristan’s dad), Chris Patton, Kevin Staab, Tony Hawk and from the UK and a close 2nd to Steve Caballero for MVP with MC duties, webcast compare and Masters competition; Sean Goff from the UK.

For most of these riders it was their first time to Chile and for the fans it was decades overdue and they showed their appreciation by screaming and shouting their support for them all day. In return the skaters gave their all. This was a brand new bowl and a new style of bowl so there was no home field advantage and it had them all working harder. Although the placings may read like a foregone conclusion, if you ask the riders they will tell you it was far from that. Because of all of this the fans got a much tighter competition. Tony Hawk won and the huge number of his dedicated fans were over the moon to see him add to his legacy of competition winnings but he fought for it.

BOWLZILLA is more than just skating. There is art and music and good times all round as part of the whole gathering. The week’s festivities kicked off with BOWLZILLA’s cultural event partners Love & Guts throwing an art show / welcome party for everyone in Santiago at Mall Sport. Loads of the riders showed up and had their art on display and for sale at the show with an impromptu session happening at Bowl Park skatepark and a bunch of the skaters; Renton Millar, Chris Russell, Alex Halford, Trey Wood and Sam Beckett got wet on the permanent wave set up they have there. It was a great launch and welcome.”

BOWLZILLA Chile 2016 Masters results:

1          Tony Hawk

2          Steve Caballero

3          Bruno Passos

4          Pat Ngoho

5          Kevin Staab

6          Evandro Mancha

7          Chris Patton

8          Marco Cruz

9          Miguel Catarina

10        Bill Rennie

11        Sean Goff

There was a huge pro field and they came from all over to have a go at the inaugural title of BOWLZILLA Chile Pro Champion. There was a big contingent from Brazil and especially RTMF, the USA, Dominican Republic, Italy, UK, Basque Country, Argentina and the local Chileans. With no home field advantage as the bowl was finished the Sunday night before the comp and crowd favourite and 2nd placed in the 2015 ISU Pro World Bowl Series – Pedro Barros taking himself out the day before while out sightseeing with friends and family (he hit a patch of sand on his skateboard and broke his collarbone) it made the field wide open. You could have given first place to any of the top three and most would have been okay with it but in the end it came down to who utilised the whole bowl best and was closest in style to the bowl competition guidelines ISU has put out there to showcase the best bowl skating in the world.

We’ve all been hoping and waiting and cheering and encouraging and then finally it happened on Saturday and we couldn’t be more proud of being part of Murilo Peres first major pro win. EVERYONE was stoked. He didn’t even get a chance to accept his award before he was carried off on everyone’s shoulders. We can say we were there.

1          Murilo Peres     Brazil

2          Tom Schaar      USA

3          Chris Russell    USA

4          Tristan Rennie USA

5          Vi Kakinho        Brazil

6          Trey Wood        USA

7          Jono Schwann USA

8          Kevin Kowalski USA

9          Josh Borden     USA

10        Ben Hatchell     USA

11        Daniel Cuervo   Dominican Republic

12        Rony Gomes    Brazil

13        Otavio Neto      Brazil

14        Felipe Foguinho Brazil

15        Nilo Pecanha    Brazil

16        Caique Silva     Brazil

17        Marcello Jimenez Chile

18        Sky Siljeg         USA

19        Ivan Federico    Italy

20        Alex Halford      UK

21        Lada Amarilla   Argentina

22        Gonzalo Rodriguez Argentina

23        Patricio Perez   Chile

24        Sagas Braulio   Chile

25        Benjamin Perez Chile

26        Alan Young       USA

27        Borja Casas      Basque Country

28        Dario Matarolo Argentina

29        Nacho Galo      Chile

30        Lucas Rojas     Argentina