British pounds meet Danish Crowns

Just as summer was coming to an end, with the help of a £20 return to Copenhagen combined with a ridiculously cheap Airbnb, a squad of eight of us headed out on assorted flights to explore the city’s numerous spots, parks and DIY that’s built so well, it might as well be a park. The crew consisted of Froby Babz, Jack Hamilton, Wes Knowler, Seb Tabe, Adam Delarue, Zach Delarue, Daniel Hammond and myself.

I think every skateboarder knows the feeling you get from skating the same place way too much. These four days in Copenhagen were a pleasant escape with a great squad of people which really ended the summer with something to remember.

Words + photos: Rob Gifford
Video: Jack Hamilton


Zach Delarue. Texas plant. Hullet expansion project.
Adam Delarue. Texas plant. Hullet expansion project.
Seb Tabe. Frontside corner grind.
Seb Tabe. Frontside corner grind.
Rop Gifford, your humble narrator, with a back smith. Photo: Unknown
Rob Gifford, your humble narrator, with a back smith at Hullet 2.0 Photo: Unknown

'ave it boys. Not occupied. Vacancy.

Words are so unnecessary
Words are so unnecessary
Stand up frontside grind over the loveseat in the bowl at Faelledparken.
Stand up frontside grind over the loveseat. Faelledparken.
Seb Tabe. Invert in the bowl at Faelledparken.
Seb Tabe. Invert at Faelledparken.
Seb Tabe. Gap to smith.
Seb Tabe. Gap to smith.
Nose bluntslide.
Flippin’ and trippin’