Grind to Grind BBQ – Andalusia, Spain

“First of all, thanks to all who could attend the barbecue and especially that got all the axels we need! Altogether we got 30 trucks, with these we can make the new Grind to Grind module at the next Infernal Ramp 2015 .

We were able to enjoy an afternoon of good skate with friends where we were lucky to have skaters of the likes of Jose Panés, Alberto Velázquez (Negro), Manuel Palacios, Jesus Cansino, Juan Antonio Virues, Jose Manuel Macias, Pablo Berenguer, Rafa Bocanegra, etc. who came from various parts of Andalusia to bring their old trucks and enjoy the event. Thank you very much to all …”  – Germán Periñán

Jesus Cansino, FS Ollie.
Jesus Cansino, FS Ollie.
Miguel, Tail Grab to Fakie.
Miguel, Tail Grab to Fakie.
Hugo. Crail grind.
Hugo. Crail grind.
Pablo Berenguer, FS Blunt.
Pablo Berenguer, FS Blunt.
Jesus Cansino, FS Ollie al Cajón.
Jesus Cansino, FS Ollie al Cajón.
 Rubén Rueda, FS Grind.
Rubén Rueda, FS Grind.
Alberto Velazquez Blunt to Fakie.
Alberto Velazquez Blunt to Fakie.
Germán Periñán, BS Disaster.
Germán Periñán, BS Disaster.
Jesus Cansino FS Melon.
Jesus Cansino FS Melon.
Germán. Collecting the trucks for the nexts Grind to Grind ramp jam.
Germán. Collecting the trucks for the nexts Grind to Grind ramp jam.

Check out last years’ INFERNAL RAMP JAM 2014
More info on this and future events in southern Spain / Andalucía check out:

Original Spanish:
Ante todo, dar las gracias a todos los que pudisteis asistir a la barbacoa y sobre todo a los que nos consiguieron los ejes…, en total pudimos conseguir 30 ejes, con ellos podemos realizar el nuevo módulo grind to grind para el próximo Infernal Ramp 2015.
Pudimos disfrutar de una tarde de buen skate entre amigos en la que tuvimos la suerte de contar con skaters de la talla de José Panés, Alberto Velázquez (Negro), Manuel Palacios, Jesús Cansino, Juan Antonio Virues, José Manuel Macías, Pablo Berenguer, Rafa Bocanegra etc…, vinieron desde varios puntos de Andalucía a traernos sus viejos ejes y a disfrutar del evento.
Muchas gracias a todos…