Dumb Skateboards – Almost Eleven

“We put our best for making our 10 years video, but we failed. It’s gonna be the 11 years video. We are really good to fuck up our goals. We are not good enough to get rich and famous, but most of all we have fun. Here’s the proof.” – Gio Grazzani


Daniel Cardone
Raffaele Pola
Alessio Zanfei
Giovanni Grazzani
Chicco di Paolo
Matteo Carmagnini
Giulio Pietroiusti
Tom Derichs
Jonathan Perez
Simone Verona
Stephane Zanette

Skateboard business is dumb

Tom Derichs. BS Nosegrind. Photo: Federico Tognoli.
Tom Derichs. BS Nosegrind. Photo: Federico Tognoli.
Jonathan Perez. FS Pivot
Jonathan Perez. FS Pivot
Gio Grazzani. BS Smith.
Gio Grazzani. BS Smith.
Daniel Cardone. Dumb ad in Confusion magazine #10
Daniel Cardone. Dumb ad in Confusion magazine #10