There’s actually not much to say about this event. Just that its goal is to get together as many good tranny shredders as possible in teams of four. It’s rather a group thing where the teams skating together is better judged than individual skating – therefore some pretty weird combos. And there’s a carnival Friday night where everybody goes, hence the weird costumes on some guys.
As last year, the Warriors with Adrien Marco, Martino Cattaneo, Fede Boldini, Igor Fardin and Pippo La Lune won.
2nd got the Team Bones Swiss Bearings feat. Fabio Martin, Dominik Müller, and Stefan Willi,
3rd the September Wheels guys with Mirco Bitterli, Lukas Halter, Ivo Weibel, Möre Greber and Robin Fischer
Best Rider of the Weekend was Fabio Martin
Best Trick Winner Döm Müller with a Blunt Flip Fakie ob the extension…. (The fakie smith backside flip out you see in the clip was executed as absolutely last trick of the weekend by Sven Kilchenmann, but only after the Best Trick had closed).
Words and Pictures by: Alan Maag
Video by: Sean Nguyen

Video by: Sean Nguyen